I haven't written a post since July 14, mainly because I've been so busy dogsitting in addition to working full time that I haven't even had time to think. But the hardest work is now over and life is opening a door on a new experience--taking a full week's vacation for the first time in years.
I'll be bringing a couple of British novels and a bottle of gin, since I just learned from the New York Times this morning that a moderate amount of alcohol seems to prevent or at least delay Alzheimer's. Coffee does, as well. Does anyone know about chocolate?
My old classmate writes that he is appalled at seeing photos of a recent reunion of our grade-school buddies. He's feeling the same feelings I go through every time I go to a reunion: Who are these old codgers? Surely I'm not as old as they are. But the answer is, yes, you are just as old as your buddies. So get used to it. None of us wants to get old or deteriorate or die. But what are you going to do about it? That's just how it goes. Pass the gin!
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