Equanimity--that's the word I'm looking for. All the world is fine with T-ball. He has a full bowl of food, a warm couch to steal a nap on, and a loving compadre who keeps him alert and makes sure his face is looking into the camera when his photo is being taken. Would that all of us had such a friend!
I must mention Bea's pajamas, which are handmedowns from a boy friend. She loves the trucks! This is a girl who doesn't even know from Disney's "Princess" line and would run shrieking out of the house if we tried to dress her in that awful bright pink stuff. We don't "do" Disney at our house. We are raising Coco Chanel, not Brittany Spears.
We have high aspirations for this little girl. She will eat no foods that aren't organic. She will wear clothes appropriate for a little child, not a mini-hooker. She will grow up to be a balanced, well-rounded, richly intellectual being with a lovely heart and mind. She will have good taste! And she will drink no wine before its time, because she will be able to differentiate between good, better and best. And she will know--just as T-ball knows this very minute--that she is a beloved child of the Universe and all that happens will be for her highest good. Let it be so!
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